Duracell Energy Platinum Partner
Duracell Energy Platinum
Today we're excited to tell you that we've become a Duracell Energy Platinum Partner, which gives us the opportunity of helping our customers move towards energy self-sufficiency with the world's biggest battery brand.
The iconic Duracell brand is known the world over. In fact, when asked to name a battery brand most people will immediately respond with Duracell, and the bunny is one of the most recognised brand images within the entire product marketplace. It's an image that has become synonymous with endurance and long-life.
The Duracell Energy Ecosystem comprises a battery, inverter and EV charging point. These are designed to work seamlessly together and can be monitored and controlled by an intuitive App on your phone. Your energy savings are maximised automatically through time-of-use tariff integration, which has the added benefit of future-proofing your investment.
Of course, not everyone who applies will be accepted on the Duracell Energy Platinum Partner programme, so we are especially proud to have been chosen to install their suite of energy products in line with their stringent quality standards.
And, consistent with our collective passion for efficiency, you can even get a quotation for a domestic installation in 30 seconds by clicking on the adjacent image.
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